Back to School and Investing in You

As we enter back to school season, either in person or virtually, I can't help but think, 

  • “COVID is still happening…”

  • “Children are expected to stay distant and wear masks..”

  • “Parents are still hosting virtual school at home…”

These are big barriers, and yet…everyone is stepping up and moving forward. We have resiliency for this, and can see the bigger picture.

Education is an investment in a child's future. We all agree that it's supportive of a successful life. And so, investment isn’t canceled.

We finish school around 22-25, but live until 78 (av. life expectancy).

For many of us, that's only 1/3 of our lives spent formally putting in time for ourselves.

So, an honest question: Even within the barriers, big and small, of your own life, are you still investing in YOU?

  • Is your life everything you’ve dreamed of or on its way there?

  • Do you feel excited to wake up?

  • Do you love going to work?

Whether you think you’re taking action or not, everyday adds up to the whole of how you experience life.

Challenge yourself to take one small step towards something you want for tomorrow, whether it’s purchasing the book or signing up for a yoga class.

And if you want to make some big moves at work, build your ability to think and act like a leader, and invest in your own well-being at the same time, send me a message on the “Contact” page to set up a free consultation call to start spending time on you, because whether you think so or not, you actually really really are worth it. 


Leadership as your Biggest Act of Service


You Already Have It