How You Speak to Others + Yourself

One of my former (female) bosses wrote this in a card to me years ago on my last day and I said it back to myself on repeat for the first whole month walking to my new job. I still say it to myself today OFTEN, and that was over 7 years ago.

“You are so smart, so hard-working and so well-tempered. You will be great!”

What we say to each other is powerful. What we say to ourselves is even more powerful. And you never know when your words will become someone else’s internal mantra. (positive or negative, btw)

So, what do you want to say to other women making sh*t happen today? Share it in the comments below, so we can all benefit.

Here’s what I want to say to you today - 

  • You’re doing great.

  • You’re smart, hard-working, beautiful AND successful.

  • You can do hard things.

Now…what will you say to yourself? Get inspiration below, or say it aloud right now.

If you want to level-up how you speak to yourself, send me a message on the “Contact” page to set up a call. I can help you see your unconscious thoughts and together, we’ll consciously explore and decide how you want to think to create your results.


Reinvest in YOU


"But She's Smarter than Me."