PSA: Hard Work and Practice

When I decided to change the way I showed up to work, which was with a dash more non-attachment and a sprinkle of non-resistance, things didn’t change immediately. I’m not really even sure that I had a good example of an actual person who was doing what I was trying to do. 

I was just trying to make my life suck less. 

And... I had found a philosophy that I trusted enough to stick with. 

I’m sure there were little indicators right at the beginning that I used as proof that my new way of existing was working, which makes sense because our brains will also find evidence for what we’ve decided to think (concept for another post), but it wasn’t like there was a flash of lightening and Freaky Friday turned my life upside down and now I existed as this epic employee who was productive and perfect at her job.

I showed up many days and responded the same old ways that I always had. And I showed up many days and realized I showed up the old way too late, or several days later. And then some days and some moments I showed up the way I wanted to practice. Little by little, or Pade Pade in Sanskrit which means step by step.

There’s a yogic concept called Tapas which means discipline. The way I usually communicate this to my yoga asana students is by saying something like, “Stick with it.” 

And the version I told myself in those days at work were something like “Try Again. You can try again today and tomorrow and the day after that.”

And so, even once you’ve identified the mindset you want to use each day, remember tapas, remember to “stick with it,” remember pade pade.

If you know how you want to show up at work and life, but you’re not seeing the changes you hoped for, send me a message on the “Contact” page to set up a free consultation call where we’ll discover together what’s blocking you and where you can apply tapas. 


What Holds you Back from Advancing Faster at Work


Keep Your Enemies Close: Work Edition