Public Speaking without Breaking Down


When I started giving presentations at work, I was scared. And I was nervous.

Truth be told, I was more worried about sounding stupid or forgetting what to say and experiencing an awkward moment than even about the client liking what we presented or whether they bought the program.

Anyone feel this before?

This is a wacky way to give presentations. Firstly, it meant that my focus was on ME. In any industry, this will always get ya, because pretty much all businesses are made to do something for someone whether it’s an individual or another company. And secondly, my mindset was riddled with general fear. When the mind is in fear, it’s really difficult to be adaptive and perform at your actual highest capacity.

This is mostly the ego at play in a situation where it would rather protect itself at any cost compared to having to look silly or “stupid.” My ego believed it was a smart, capable woman, and in order to prove itself correct, I found myself in fear anytime that might be threatened.

Yoga and Buddhism (and Eckart Tolle) taught me about the ego, and how it works. I came to realize just how much the ego has a part in holding us back when we want to progress.

When we can manage the ego, we can give presentations and even speak to millions without fear. Yes, maybe the butterflies never go away, but you can overcome them, and give everyone around you your absolute very best.

If you fear public speaking or presenting at work, send me a message on the “Contact” page to discover what is underneath the fear so you can continue leveling up at work and become the leader you’re meant to be without burning out.


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