Ten Commandments of Energy Management

To me, learning all the ways to manage your energy is a key component of becoming (and bring) a leader. Most of us have no idea how much energy we’re really spending when our minds spiral into worry, doubt, negativity, anger, disappointment, the list goes on. We all spend energy on things that don’t help us towards our goal and ideal life and work. What many of us don’t see is that we often spend energy in a way that actually moves us AWAY from what we want.

I believe that if you can master your energy management, you can do anything. Okay, here are the 10 Commandments.

1. SLEEP - Get the BPS (best possible sleep) to generally fill your energy tank. Rest is so important.

2. MOVEMENT - Move your Body to clear stress and anxiety AND to feel powerful/able/connected to yourself

3. MEDITATION - Meditation for observing your thoughts, self-reflection, processing, tapping into your intuition and connecting to your Highest Self

4. RESISTANCE PRACTICE - Soften to resistance to avoid excess negativity

5. BOUNDARIES - Set and keep boundaries to practice self-care and prioritizing yourself

6. EGO CHECK YOUR TIME - Notice when you’re doing things or spending extra time to look good. Many times this is the ego creeping in. Keep her in check.

7. VALUES - Know your goals and values and cut out everything that doesn’t serve them to stay focused and not expend excess energy

8. DELEGATE - Ask for help and fully utilize your team to create more time.

9. FOOD - Eat non-crappy food and a lot of water for optimal brain/body function and a focused mind.

10. JOY IS IMPORTANT: Do things that make you happy even if it contradicts with the above. Joy is Queen! If the thing does contradict with the above, do it in moderation, but do not punish yourself. Self-sabotage isn’t cool.

All of these things spiral into each other and snowball. For example, getting enough sleep will help you commit to some of the harder decisions, like eating good food, movement and meditation. When you’ve meditated, it’s a little bit easier to set boundaries and know that you’re setting them for the Highest Good of yourself and others.

Similarly, these energy management tools can snowball to your detriment as well. Say you never make time for movement, and so you carry a lot of stress and anxiety in your body and mind. This could cause overwhelm, and make it hard for you to delegate or remember to soften in the face of resistance, which trickles into how you treat yourself and others.

If these are new to you, I would recommend trying out one of them that feels easy to do consistently, and slowly explore the others.

I work with my clients 1:1 for 6 months to dissect energy management and so much more, ultimately, helping women become leaders at work without burning out. Send me a message in the “Contact” section of my site to set up a free consultation to see if this work is right for you.

Tell me your favorite commandment below or share one that works for you!


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