(More than) Half the Battle

Half the battle is believing that you are in fact good at your job. A couple caveats here. MORE THAN HALF of the battle is believing that you are good at your job. And when I say good, I mean over the top fantastic.

Really simply, here’s what happens when we don’t believe we’re great.

  • We overcompensate, which leads to overworking.

  • We look outward more often than needed, and get distracted piecing together everyone else’s theories about the way we should do something, instead of focusing on ourselves, and learning to trust our own ability.

  • We believe that doing and stressing will prove that we’re good, and so we never rest.

Wrapping this all together, we end up doing way more than we need to and get less of the results we want.

I know this so well, because I’m a recovering “good hard worker.” I believed it was the only way. I didn’t see many people around me that enjoyed their work and really had fun with it.

What if you believed that you were incredible at your work and your job? Full stop. What would you do?

If you’re overworking and out of time, send me a message on the “Contact” page to learn how believing in yourself can lead you straight to your leadership and work goals.


Performing Under Pressure


There's Another Way