What To Do this Weekend to Kick Ass on Monday

I’m a big believer that how you spend your weekend has a lot to do with how you come back to work on Monday morning. I’ve tried a lot of lifestyles and approaches, including binge drinking from Friday night to Sunday morning, trying to catch up on work all weekend when I’m “less busy,” and sleeping or sitting around in a funk for two and half days. All of these can be great sprinkled in moderation, but none got me to my best week on Monday.

Here’s my fail-proof, nurture your energy weekend plan that has a little bit of everything and gets you back to work on Monday feeling your best -

  • Veg out on Friday a little and don’t try to go too hard or do too much (general rule of thumb for life tho, right?)

  • Do something active and ideally outside on Saturday morning, like a yoga class, walk + coffee, training run/bike etc, go golfing, a hike. Make it a little longer or more luxurious than your usual morning routine.

  • Prioritize relationships on Saturday afternoon/evening, see friends and family, and mostly have some F-U-N, let loose a little bit if you don’t have anything early Sunday morning.

  • Use Sunday to plug back into yourself and the bigger picture. Let yourself sleep in, and spend time with the book or creative project that you love. If you have a spiritual practice, do it!(although I would recommend tapping into that daily) Cook some for the week, listen to a podcast, maybe a TV show after dinner, donate to organizations you care about, and if you’re like me, probably take a bath.

  • Spend exactly one (1) hour, no less no more, planning your week, which will make you feel 100% on Monday morning (i.e. not rushed or stressed, because half the battle is knowing what’s coming at you).

  • Do your whole skincare routine and get in bed early.

The way you spend your time off determines your time ON. Comment below and let me know which ones you do.


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