Why a Dash of “F it” can Get you Promoted


Do you ever feel this way about your work?

  • “I care a lot about my work.” 

  • “If my name is on it, it will be perfect.”

  • “Sometimes I just have to get things done myself.”

Usually the peeps who are stressing are also the peeps who work the hardest and are given more to do. When you’re given more to do, you’re stressed because you want it to be good. 

See the cycle?

Let me be clear: This is not about slacking off. 

  • It IS about utilizing the team and/or resources available to you though. 

  • It IS about letting other people take the reins (and maybe even failing, GASP!).

  • It IS about releasing control.

For people that identify with the above, this often feels like “caring less” or saying “F it” at first, which is understandable. I urge you to march on.

For me, I discovered that what I thought was “caring” and “doing a good job” was actually an attempt to control all outcomes. I learned as a small girl that achievement meant goodness and value, and so I put a lot of effort into controlling all achievements so that I could feel (read: “be” in my head) valued. When that felt threatened, I became very stressed. My path out of stress was to realize that I will never be able to control many things about my job. Once I relaxed into this, everything changed.

I decided to grow up, become a woman and a leader, and part of that meant NOT doing it all, and instead empowering others to do. And, it got me promoted…more than once.

Want to learn how? I teach women how to make more impact at work in less time without the stress and anxiety. Send me a message on the “Contact” page to set up a free consultation call to see if this work is right for you.


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