Why We Get Stressed When We Have to do Something New

One of the main reasons I get stressed (and still do) is when I’m asked to do something I’ve never done before, something new. (i.e. COVID, hard conversations, new client/project…sound familiar??)

The feeling of comfort comes when I know how to do something and have proven to myself that I can do it and be successful. This is one way to define confidence. The “knowing” that you’ve confronted a conflict, obstacle or task in the past, anticipating your success in the present. That internal feeling of “I got this.”

Here’s the truth: We actually do new things ALL. THE. TIME. IG didn’t exist 10 years ago. At least half of us didn’t know how to make banana bread before March 2020. And the other half had never had their groceries delivered to their home. So, when you’re asked to do something new, maybe it’s not exactly like the thing we’ve done before, but we have tons of experience doing new things.

My question for you instead is: Why are you holding back from fully trusting yourself? From fully knowing that you will come to new situations and do the right thing with the information you have?

Even when it’s new, even when you don’t know TRUST YOURSELF. Believe that you are resourceful, and have everything you need to be successful (and/or okay) in new circumstances. (I believe in you too.)


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