Worry and What it Does

Yesterday, I had a realization that I had been worrying a lot about the results in my business. As I was expressing this to my coach, I remembered it as the exact feeling I used to have about my career in Advertising.

It’s that feeling of wondering why you aren’t progressing faster, why some things just weren’t happening the way they were expected to, working really hard and not seeing the shifts, and worrying that it was all going to fall apart. This commentary is full of “shoulds,” “you betters,” and “why cant you justs.” It’s a little painful.

Can you relate?

After moving through that phase and understanding how much easier things could be, I promised myself to never go back there again….and yet here I was.

It reminded me of something my mom used to do when we were in high school. She would refuse to sit up and wait for us to get home. She would say something like, “My sitting up and worrying won’t change anything that might or might not happen to you tonight.” And she also said, “I TRUST you.” She always put some accountability on my siblings and I to contribute to our safe-keeping. And then she went to bed and slept.

She knew that the best thing she could do was rest, for either another great day or the rest she might need to deal with a disaster, which only happened maybe once…ish.

The truth is that worry is never additive. It’s distracting and sucks tons of energy, specifically the energy you need to do whatever it is you’re worrying about.

So, do your best to take action without worrying about what will happen next, trust that everything will happen as it’s supposed to, and then rest.

If you’re worried about your career trajectory, getting it all done, or your progress on a project or goal, send me a message on the “Contact” page to set up a consultation call and we will get you out fo worry and into action.


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