Maria Loida Maria Loida

Why Feeling Uncomfortable Never Goes Away

There’s something in common with uncomfortable scenarios and it’s that most of them are new situations. And so, if we want change, we also have to welcome discomfort as inevitable fact of life. Say you don’t want change, the world will change anyways. So explore some ways to embrace discomfort and grow your capacity for it.

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Maria Loida Maria Loida

Ten Commandments of Energy Management

Learning all the ways to manage your energy is a key component of becoming a leader. Most of us have no idea how much energy we spend on worry, doubt, and anger. We all spend energy on things that don’t help us towards our goal and ideal life and work. What many of us don’t see is that we often spend energy in a way that actually moves us AWAY from what we want. Learn how to change that.

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Maria Loida Maria Loida

Understanding your Ego and How it Affects your Performance at Work

Most of us think of our ego as the thing that makes us cocky or a jerk. But really the ego (according to Eckart Tolle) is our identification to surface level things. The thing the ego loves the most is validating itself. One of its favorite past times is to seek out the evidence to make itself “right” or “correct.” When you gather enough perceived evidence, you’ll manifest whatever reality you want, and this has a huge impact on our performance at work.

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Maria Loida Maria Loida

The Most Impactful Thing Yoga taught me about Getting Ahead at Work

Yoga became the way that I coped with work. At first, it was just keeping me at baseline “even.” One hour of yoga on most days helped me slough off all the negativity I had accumulated at work that day. In one class, my teacher talked about “resistance” and “softening,” and I came to learn that these are key tenants of a sustainable yoga practice and a sustainable life. I decided I would give it a whirl at work, too, because I was ready to try anything. Here’s what happened.

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Maria Loida Maria Loida

What can Yoga teach us about having Hard Conversations?

When I found myself needing to host hard conversations, I turned to what I had learned about yoga to help me approach them in an honest and compassionate way, which helped me relieve nerves and communicate effectively for everyone’s benefit. Doing this well with poise and respect is a key element of becoming and acting as a leader at work.

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Maria Loida Maria Loida

What To Do this Weekend to Kick Ass on Monday

I’m a big believer that how you spend your weekend has a lot to do with how you come back to work on Monday morning. I’ve tried a lot of lifestyles and approaches, and have honed my routine to get me to my best self for Monday.

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Maria Loida Maria Loida

Why Getting Ahead at Work has Nothing to do with Doing a "Good Job”

In the span of four years, I moved from the Account Executive level to Director in my Advertising job, which is abnormal in the Ad industry, where most people usually get promoted every two years or so. This “should’ve” taken me 6-8 years to do. And it all started with practicing yoga.

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Maria Loida Maria Loida

How I Got Promoted Three Times in Four Years by Practicing Yoga

In the span of four years, I moved from the Account Executive level to Director in my Advertising job, which is abnormal in the Ad industry, where most people usually get promoted every two years or so. This “should’ve” taken me 6-8 years to do. And it all started with practicing yoga.

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Maria Loida Maria Loida

Learn How to Leave Work Early Using Yoga Philosophy

One of the biggest things that stresses me out is feeling like I have too much to do, and not enough time to do it. It’s the dilemma of any modern woman. How can I possibly add even one more thing to schedule or life?

In Yoga and a bit in Buddhism, we learn about the concept of emptiness, and that all circumstances are neutral. And, this does not exclude TIME.

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Maria Loida Maria Loida

Why We Get Stressed When We Have to do Something New

We actually do new things ALL. THE. TIME. IG didn’t exist 10 years ago. At least half of us didn’t know how to make banana bread before March 2020. And the other half had never had their groceries delivered to their home. So, when you’re asked to do something new, maybe it’s not exactly like the thing we’ve done before, but we have tons of experience doing new things.

My question for you instead is: Why are you holding back from fully trusting yourself? From fully knowing that you will come to new situations and do the right thing with the information you have?

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Maria Loida Maria Loida

The 3 Things You Need to Know About Yoga to Get Promoted at Work

I used to work in the Advertising industry in NYC, and it was stressful, I didn’t even really like it, and I wasn’t progressing how I wanted to. Then, my career took off.At one point, I got promoted three times in four years. When I look back, the advantage I had was YOGA. These are the three top things I learned that tipped the scale.

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