A Note about Rest
Most of us perpetually live our lives in a constant state of busy-ness. We use being busy as a bit of an excuse. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, and how we prioritize them and use them is up to us. Learn how CEOs cut the BS and spend their time where they make the biggest impact.
Taking Time Off without the Guilt
Do you take time off and then feel guilty the whole time? I share why this ends up hurting us and our teams, and how you can create a mindset to begin enjoying your precious time off.
When You Feel Lost in your Career
For most of my career, I felt really disconnected from my work. I knew I didn’t want any of my bosses’ jobs, but I also didn’t know exactly what I wanted. I felt lost. I share the biggest things I’ve learned from feeling lost, and finding my way.
How to Manage Your Time like a CEO
Most of us perpetually live our lives in a constant state of busy-ness. We use being busy as a bit of an excuse. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, and how we prioritize them and use them is up to us. Learn how CEOs cut the BS and spend their time where they make the biggest impact.
Reinvest in YOU
It can be hard to invest in ourselves, because it means we have to believe in ourselves, and know very deeply that no matter what happens, that we will have our own backs. When you have your own back, there's no holding back. Learn why you aren’t investing in yourself.
How You Speak to Others + Yourself
What we say to each other is powerful. What we say to ourselves is even more powerful. And you never know when your words will become someone else’s internal mantra. I share one of the most powerful things one of my former bosses shared with me that I still use today.
"But She's Smarter than Me."
My client shared this with me recently, and my mind flashed through the thousands of moments I’ve felt this too (and still do). It’s a special kind of comparison imposter syndrome cocktail. Here’s what happens when we feel imposter syndrome, and what we can do.
If You Feel Lost in your Career
For many years, I felt disconnected from how I spent the majority of my time at work. I knew I didn’t want to wake up and still be in the same boat 10 years in the future, but I had no idea which path to take. Here’s what I’ve learned 10 years into my career.
Why Yoga is Good for your Work
I used to think of my work life and yoga life as two totally separate worlds. I would go to work all day, and then mentally switch gears to go to a training or to teach or take a class. It wasn’t until I clearly saw the cycle of “go to work and get stressed, and then go to yoga to un-do the stress,” that it dawned on me just how important Yoga is for working well.
How will You ever add More?
Looking back, it felt like I was speeding down the highway and the brakes were broken. I used to have dreams that I couldn’t stop the vehicle even though I was driving it. Many of us know this feeling of panic and overwhelm, and wonder how we’ll continue adding more to our lives. As if one thing breaks, the whole thing will come down. There’s a way to flip the script, and find the brakes.
Sorry, Not Sorry
Now more than ever, women are being told to stop saying sorry so much, especially at work. I dig this. And, sometimes we make real mistakes. In these moments, apologies are really powerful, can create trust and show others our ability to understand a situation. Learn why this is so important, and use apologies to your advantage.
Do This When You Don't Know
I want to share this tip with you that always helps me un-earth an insight, the next sentence or the next slide. There’s a moment throughout our days when we get “stuck” or come to a point where we “don’t know” what comes next. This can be frustrating and uncomfortable. Learn how you can make one little shift to discover more of your own knowledge, trust yourself and ultimately, be more focused, productive, and impactful.
Worry and What it Does
Worrying is a natural reaction to the things we care about, but is it really helping? What price do we have to pay for worrying? This piece explores these things and reminds us all why worry never really helps.
Be Yourself at Work and Why it's So Important
I recently saw an IG post about not bringing your personal life to work and it said that if someone asks you about your personal life you can say “Thanks for thinking of me, but I don’t discuss my personal life at work.” This post reminded me of many supportive ways sharing vulnerable things about my personal life created great and supportive experiences for me. So this is a conversation about how both of these things can be true.
(More than) Half the Battle
Half the battle is believing that you are in fact good at your job. Let me say that more clearly. MORE THAN HALF of the battle is believing that you are good at your job. And when I say good, I mean over the top fantastic. When we don’t believe this, we overwork (and tons of other things). Learn why believing in yourself is your path to success.
There's Another Way
I woke up this morning thinking, “What’s the most important thing I could share with you today?” What came to me was this - “There’s another way.” In my former career, I used to feel really stuck. I believed that I had to be stressed to get anything done. That work would always just be…hard. Then I learned that there is another way.
Can a CEO also be a true Yogi?
Can you be a badass, super successful CEO and also be a peaceful, loving yogi? I dig into why my answer is a resounding yes and how you can learn the ways to become a more effective and successful CEO or leader yourself.
Leadership as your Biggest Act of Service
One day I sat across the room from one of my reports, and she looked back at me with tears in her eyes. This was one of many moments when I realized how difficult and important the job of a manager is. Once I began thinking about managing my team as an act of service, my ability to motivate my team and create a culture of productivity blossomed.